What We’ll Be Creating
Creating The Rosette
Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 570 x 700 pixels with any style background, for this tutorial I’m using a nice cool blue background to bring out the yellow and black in my rosette.
Select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) then drag out a medium sized circle in the middle of your canvas. This ellipse is just going to be used as a guide when creating the rosette, it will be deleted later.
Once you’ve created the ellipse add the following layer styles.
You should have something like this.
Select the “Pen Tool” (P) then draw out a shape similar to a airplane propeller, the bottom right side of the shape should touch the black ellipse which we created earlier.
Once the shape has been created duplicate the shape then rotate it using the “Free Transform Tool” (Ctrl + T). Take note of the rotation angle in the top options plane, you can use this as a guide for each shape.
Don’t use my measurements as they will more than likely be different from yours. Once the new shape has been rotated you should have something like this.
Keep duplicating and rotating the shapes until you have gone all the way around the ellipse.
You can now delete the ellipse layer as it is not needed anymore. The last shape you created if it doesn’t line up properly next to the first shape you created the simply select the pen tool and move the path around the first shape.
Coloring The Rosette
As you can see on my rosette so far i have colored it in two shades of grey, I’ve done this just to make it easier when i select and add my colors. Select one of the first shapes of the rosette then add a gradient overlay using the settings below.
Add a gradient overlay to the 2nd shape in the rosette using the settings below.
Repeat these steps until every shape is colored.
Creating The Rosette Middle
Select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) then drag out an ellipse over the top of the rosette shapes covering the bottom of each shape.
Once the ellipse has been created add the following layer styles.
You should have something like this.
Adding The Text To The Rosette
Select the “Type Tool” (T), select an italic font “Georgia” with a font size of “72pt” then add the word “1st” in the middle of the ellipse. Fill (G) the text with the color #fddc00. On the top and bottom of the ellipse add the words “Congratulations” using the same font only this time go to “Edit > Transform > Warp” select “Arc” from the drop down menu then use the settings below.
You should have something like this.
Turning The Rosette Into A Checkered Rosette
Select the color #fae500 then selection the “Ellipse Tool” (U), with the ellipse tool selected make a ring shape over the rosette.
Now set the ring layers blend mode to “Difference”, simply changing the color of the yellow ring automatically change the look and color of the checker effect, have a play and see what you can come up with.
Creating The Ribbons
Select the “Pen Tool” (P) then draw one of the bottom ribbons, once you’ve mastered the first one duplicate it and place it on the other side.
To the left ribbon or which ever ribbon is on top add a gradient overlay using the settings below.
To the last ribbon add a darker gradient overlay using the settings below.
Finish off the ribbons by adding a diagonal pattern over the top on a set of new layers. If you don’t know how to create a custom pattern then check out this tutorial. Finally add a little subtle shadow underneath the ribbon where the ribbons exit from underneath it.
Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page.