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10 Best Folklore Fonts On Canva

Tom Clayton
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Whether you are writing a short story or an entire ebook, there are many fonts on Canva you can use for folklore.

The good news is that these fonts are entirely free to use.

Let’s explore them.

Quick Summary

Some of the best fonts for folklore on Canva are:

  1. IM Fell
  2. Imperfect
  3. Beth Ellen
  4. Lovera
  5. Playpen Sans
  6. Porcelain
  7. FF Providence Sans
  8. Schoolbell
  9. Sunday
  10. Yellowtail

Read on to learn why we chose these fonts.

Best Folklore Fonts On Canva

1. IM Fell

IM Fell is named after John Fell, who was the Bishop of Oxford and the Dean of Christ Church and died in 1686. He spent his life creating a press and collected types from various countries.

When he died in 1686, he bequeathed, in his will, his entire collection of types to the University of Oxford. His legacy is carried on today in this font, created by Igino Marini, a type engineer and the developer of iKern.

The IM Fell typeface is distinguished and old-fashioned, which makes it perfect for storytelling and folklore. Whether you’re writing an entire book or a single quote, IM Fell is an excellent choice to go with.

2. Imperfect

Another excellent typeface that you can use for folklore is the Imperfect typeface. It is a calligraphic font that has beautiful strokes, with a flourish that enhances the story you are telling.

It is thick and wavy, yet very legible. This font is best used for fairy tales, myths, and other magical stories from folklore, whether you’ll be printing them out or publishing them in an Amazon Kindle ebook.

3. Beth Ellen

Beth Ellen is a typeface that was created by Rob Jelinski and Alyson Fraser Diaz in 2018. It’s a fairly new font, which makes it perfect if you want to stand out and use a font that not everyone has seen before.

It’s a handwritten font, making it perfect for those ancient tales. At the same time, this font exudes joy and happiness and has a touch of playfulness.

That’s why I recommend using Beth Ellen for happy fairytales and myths. For those dark, sinister tales from folklore, you might be better off choosing one of the other alternatives on this list.

4. Lovera

Next up, we have Lovera. Lovera is a beautiful serif font that exudes elegance. It is sophisticated and classy, but what I like most about it is how legible it is.

It can be used to tell all sorts of stories. It is a more neutral font, so it can be used both for happy and sad tales from folklore.

It is particularly well suited for children’s tales and short stories.

You really can’t go wrong with Lovera.

5. Playpen Sans

Now, let’s take a look at another exciting new font: Playpen Sans.

This is a versatile font with eight degrees of thickness, making it perfect for all sorts of applications, including quotes from folklore, short stories, and entire books.

One of the things that really makes the Playpen Sans font unique is that it has a built-in shuffler that randomizes the seven alternate glyphs that exist for each character in this font.

In other words, it helps keep your writing unique by changing things up in a single block of text.

Playpen Sans, as the name suggests, is a sans-serif script. That makes it very simple and easy to read, regardless of the application.

6. Porcelain

The Porcelain font is a delicate, elegant, and beautiful font that is great when used for folklore. Its funky scripts enhance your storytelling and add a certain touch of flavor.

With its careful, handcrafted strokes, it can convey the intricacies and rich details typically found in folklore. It brings the stories to life with a hint of the mythical and mysterious, making it great for mythical stories from the past.

7. FF Providence Sans

FF Providence Sans is a simple sans-serif font that can be used for folklore. It is clean and highly legible, making it great for children’s stories and tales, as it’s very easy for kids to read.

However, it can be used for folklore targeted towards adults as well.

FF Providence Sans, in a way, bridges the gap between the past and present – between history and modernism. That makes it great for both historical and modern folk tales from all sorts of countries, regions, and cultures.

8. Schoolbell

Schoolbell is a handwritten font that is perfect for storytelling due to its irregular and seemingly random strokes, which add a touch of suspense and excitement to the stories written in this font.

It makes it seem as if the story was written by hand by the storyteller, bringing a mythical storyteller to life and drawing the readers back into an imaginary past.

It can be used to stir up people’s imagination and senses of creativity as they read the story.

One of the biggest skills in storytelling is getting people to imagine beyond the words they are reading – to read in between the lines and fill it in with their own thoughts – and a good font like Schoolbell can do just that.

9. Sunday

Sunday is a larger than life font that has classic letterforms that look like they’re straight off the printing press in ancient Britain.

The font is engaging and will help keep readers captivated.

With its elegant, classic feel and design, Sunday is a great choice for all things related to folklore. Your stories will feel timeless if you use this font.

10. Yellowtail

Yellowtail is a playful, whimsical, and magical font. This last addition to our list is perfect for happy and joyful tales, or when you simply want to add a touch of creativity and spontaneity to your stories.

It has a flowing, fluid design that is bound to charm your readers as you take them back to wonderland. This enchanting font is perfect for magical and mythical tales that exceed the imagination.


All these fonts are all great for folklore and storytelling.

The list includes various types, including highly legible sans-serif fonts and charming handwritten/calligraphic fonts that are bound to impress.

Try out different options and see which one suits your story the best!

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