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Best Squarespace Template For Photographers

Tom Clayton
Best Squarespace Template for Photographers
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In this post, we will show you the best Squarespace templates for photographers.

Photography is a popular art form that is heavily embraced. In today’s world, anyone can take photos, and it mustn’t be with a digital camera. There are so many mobile phones with one or more built-in cameras. 

As a photography entrepreneur, a website is an ideal way of reaching a larger audience and potential customers. Even though you take photos as a hobby, for the fun of it, a website will do you good as more people will get to appreciate your work. 

Before hiring, there will be a request for your portfolio 80 percent of the time. While you can direct customers to view your works on your social media profile platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc., a website will make you look professional. 

It is considerably easy to launch a photography website today. Moreover, lots of web building tools/platforms are out there to use. 

Fortunately, you can make use of a web template to scale through the website building process. All you have to do is to identify a website template that reflects your needs – photography – and then customize it without technical experience.

However, it could be tough deciding on which is the right one. Not to mention, it is best that you identify a user-friendly template that showcases your works properly so that visitors find it easy to navigate through. 

That brings us to Squarespace, a platform with some of the best templates for photographers.

What Is Squarespace? 

Squarespace is a website builder and currently one of the best for building portfolio-based websites with more than 6 million users. 

Many photographers choose Squarespace due to its user-friendliness. As mentioned earlier, the platform has some of the best templates for photographers and if you want to build from scratch, you can utilize its drag-and-drop builder tool. 

With its drag-and-drop builder tool, you can also edit and customize the prebuilt Squarespace templates. That way, you can personalize the color, font, text, logo, and other elements that reflect your brand. 

To help you build an outstanding website for your photography business without hassles, we’ve come up with our list of the best Squarespace templates for photographers. 

Best Squarespace Template For Photographers

1. Balboa

The first template on our list is the Balboa template. This template is simple with portfolio layouts and a white background. 

Balboa has three main menu options. The first is the Work section which is the homepage by default. This is where your works and projects are displayed for visitors to view. 

Up to three projects can be featured on the homepage along with a title and short description for each. There’s a View Project button that opens the project page so that visitors can view all photos contained. 

The next section is About. Not only can you enter details of yourself or business on this page, but you can also add a featured image which can be either your personal photo or business logo. 

The final section is the Instagram section. Clicking on this menu option will redirect visitors to your Instagram page. All you have to do is to provide your Instagram profile URL. 

You can feature your brand name, contact email address, and Instagram handle in the template footer. 

2. Beaumont 

Hollie Beaumont – that’s the first words you’ll see when you load this template. The template features very light yet stylish serif fonts and has three menu sections – Work, About, and Contact. At the top-right corners are Instagram and Twitter icons for linking your handles.  

On the Work homepage, you can display individual photos with their titles in square sections. This is an ideal way of displaying your best photos that will capture your visitors’ attention. 

Below the photo square sections is a short profile section. You can display a little about yourself or business while saving all the cumbersome details for the About section. 

Visitors will be redirected to the Contact page by clicking on the Let’s work together button. The Contact page features a pre-made contact form customers can use to send in inquiries. Nonetheless, at the bottom, you can link your Twitter & Instagram handles.

The Beaumont template has a very simple footer where you can feature your email address and phone number. 

3. Matsuya 

Matsuya is a Squarespace template for photographers that want plentiful photos on their homepage.

You can display about 15 images on the homepage in different shapes such as squares and rectangles. However, there’s no provision to add a title or description. 

The menu comprises an Overview, People, Things, and a Contact section. You can display your Instagram handle with the icon at the top-right corner. 

The Overview section is the default homepage, while the People and Things sections are more like photo categories. Photos of humans are displayed in the People section while every other type can be found in the Things section. 

On the Contact page, you can display your email address and contact address. A little detail about you or your business can come in here too. 

At the bottom-right footer section are provisions to link your email address and Instagram. 

4. Quincy 

Quincy is the ideal Squarespace template for individual photographers. From the fonts, layouts, and colors, everything about this template is unique. 

The homepage is like a landing page, and you can feature just one photo. Preferably, this should be a photo of you, the photographer, or otherwise one of your best works. 

A View Portfolio button is featured on the homepage, and it directs visitors to the Work page. Likewise, it is also accessible from the main menu. Here, you can display your photos in relatively large sizes. 

About and Contact sections are also featured in the main menu. You can provide your work details and contact information on these pages respectively. 

Your social media handles – Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest – can be linked with the icons at the top-left. Only your email address can be linked in the footer section. 

5. Talva 

This template shares some similarities with the Matsuya template discussed earlier but still stands out in its way. 

It is similar because up to 15 photos can be displayed on the homepage in squares and rectangular styles. Interestingly, the Talva template incorporates a Blog section, which makes it ideal for photographers who like writing.

The blog layout is simple; you can display contents in grid style with featured images or a list. Other sections this template features are About and Contact. 

The About page enables you to introduce yourself with its two-section overlay layout style stylishly. There are Instagram and Twitter icons at the top-right and bottom-right corners of this template. 

6. Minetta 

Does your dream photography website have a dark, black background? If yes, then you’ll appreciate the Squarespace Minetta website template. 

This template is almost like a dark version of the Beaumont template with both featuring the same menu options – Work, About, and Contact. 

Also, just like Beaumont, there’s a short profile section below the photo sections for you to display a little about yourself or business. In fact, it incorporates a Let’s work together button that will redirect visitors to the Contact page. 

Conversely, Minetta allows you to display photos in rectangles and squares. Also, you can display many photos on the homepage, even up to 25. 

Featured on the Contact page is a pre-made contact form while the About page supports text and a featured image. For social media, you can link Instagram and Twitter through their respective icons at the top-right corner. 

7. Pazari 

Unlike other best Squarespace templates for photographers on our list, Sofia Pazari incorporates four rectangular layouts on the homepage, which represent different categories: People, Interiors, Outdoors, and City. 

By clicking on any, visitors can view all photos classified in these categories. In each category, you can display many photos. 

Likewise, it is easy for visitors to navigate between categories as the category pages feature Next and Previous page navigations. 

You can only connect your Instagram handle using the option in the footer and the Instagram icon featured on the Contact page. 

However, this template does not feature a profile section or about page. You can include these details in the Contact page along with your contact email and work address. 

8. Gates 

Like Matsuya, Gates is another Squarespace template for photographers that should grace our list. It is ideal if you want many photos on your homepage. The photo sections are closely laid out, so it appears like a mosaic, making the website more beautiful. 

More than 20 photos can be featured on the homepage and the photo sections are in square and rectangular shapes. 

Gates features a centralized top menu with only two options Work and Contact, while the former is the default homepage. 

There are icons for Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn at the top-right corner of the homepage. If you have accounts on any of these social media platforms, you can connect them. Plus, the social media icons are also featured in the footer section. 

Also, the About section serves as a contact section. You can enter your work details and then display the built-in contact form below so that web visitors can reach you. 

9. Wexley 

Wexley is one of the best Squarespace Version 7.0 photography templates and its homepage supports the display of many photos in squares and rectangles. 

The template consists of a right-aligned menu with essential sections, including Homepage, Portfolio, Blog, About, and Contact. You can enter your work details on the About page and also add a featured image.

The Contact page features a contact form and sections to display your phone number(s), email address, and work address. It’s also ideal that you link your social media accounts on this page. 

10. Avenue 

This Squarespace template displays photos in an orderly manner with three photos per row. In total, 15 photos can be displayed on the homepage along with their titles. 

Avenue features a blog section which is accessible from the Blog option in the menu. Also featured on the menu is an About page where you can provide information about yourself or business.

You should also provide contact details on how you can be reached on the About page as there’s no particular section for it. 

Also, the Avenue template has no option for social media, but you can add them while customizing. Avenue, like Wexley, is a Squarespace Version 7.0 template. 

Wrap Up: Best Squarespace Template For Photographers

Before now, you would need to learn to code before you can build a website. Thanks to platforms like Squarespace, anyone can now build a website, with or without coding skills. 

Squarespace, like most other web building platforms out there, features several useful web templates. For photographers, the platform features a ‘Photography’ category in the template library with tons of beautiful templates to showcase their works. 

Listed above are the 10 best ones selected based on their features. You can preview and import any of the templates that meet your interest to use on your photography website. 

The majority of the templates listed above are templates of the recent Squarespace version, Version 7.1; all of them except the last two which are Version 7.0. They are responsive templates that will auto-fit on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. 

After importing, you also need to edit and customize the template before you can upload your works. 

Some essential sections your photography website should have are the about and contact section/pages. You have to tell visitors about yourself or your business and how they can contact you. 

If any of these essential sections/pages are absent in your preferred web template, you can introduce them as you customize. 

If you have a content-rich social media page, most notably Instagram, it is also recommended to link them. Though a website would make you look professional, some customers will still prefer to engage with you on social media.


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