What We’ll Be Creating
Resources Used In This Tutorial
Getting Started!
Simply start off with a screenshot of some sort and place it onto your canvas. I’m using a screenshot of my upcoming website code snippet.
I’ve gave my screenshot a simple background and shadow just to add a bit of depth to the overall image.
Download the “Vector Magnifying Glass” from the resource list above.
Once downloaded place the magnifying glass onto the canvas.
Modifying The Magnifying Glass
Using your desired cutting tool remove the white background from the vector magnifying glass. Once the background is removed, removed the inner lens then resize the vector to a reasonable shape using the “Free Transform Tool” (Ctrl + T).
Now to the magniying glass shape add a “Drop Shadow” using the settings below.
Next, select the “Circle Tool” (U) then drag out a new white circle #ffffff inside of the lens area.
Magically Transform The Magnifying Glass
Open a bigger vesion of the screenshot you used in the first step then copy it to your canvas. Before we proceed we need to organise our layers.
Its important that the bigger screenshot sits inbetween the magniifying glass layer and the white circle layer. Once you have organised the layer right click the bigger screenshot and select “Create Clipping Mask”. The bigger screenshot should disapear into the magnifying glass lens.
If you select the magnifying glass layer and white circle layer then right click and select “Link Layers” you can freely move the magnifying glass around the canvas to zoom into the different areas.
Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page.