What We’ll Be Creating
Getting Started…
Create a new document (Ctrl + N) with the dimensions 2274 x 2540 with any colored background. Select the background layer from within the layers window, then right click and go to “Layer From Background”. Doing this will unlock the background making it editable. Now add a “Gradient Overlay” to the background layer using the settings below.
Now, select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) and drag out a big ellipse onto the canvas.
Label the first ellipse layer “Inside”, then create a further two more circles underneath the “Inside” layer. The two new circles should be slightly bigger towards the bottom.
Label the two new circles “Edge” and “Outer” as shown in the image above.
Adding The Styles
It doesn’t look much like a medal at the moment so lets go ahead and add some styles to what we’ve created so far. Add the following layer styles to the “Outer” layer.
Now, add the following layer styles the “Edge” layer.
And finally, add the following layer styles to the “Inside” layer.
Adding Some Detail
Inside the medal create two new circles using the “Ellipse Tool” (U). Label the two new circle layers “Indent #1” and “Indent #2”.
Add the following layer styles to the “Indent #1” layer.
You should have something like this.
Now to the “Indent #2” layer add the following layer styles.
The medal so far should look like this.
Completing The Medal Detail
Select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) then create two rectangles which exceed over the medal. Fill (G) the rectangles with the color white #ffffff.
Select the “Free Transform Tool” (Ctrl + T) then rotate the two rectangles so there roughly about 120 degree’s.
Once rotated, blur the rectangles by about 4 pixels by going to “Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur”. Set the rectangles layer opacity to around 17% then load a selection around the “Edge” layer.
Quick Tip:
To load a selection simply click the little layer thumbnail whilst holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard.
Inverse the selection by going to “Select > Inverse” then hit the delete key on keyboard to remove the excess from around the medal. Now select the “Type Tool” (T) and add “1st” into the middle of the medal, the text color should be #cd9701.
Add the following layer styles to the text layer.
For this next part we’ll be using a star out of the pre-made custom shapes library. Select the “Custom Shapes Tool” (U) then select the star from the list of shapes.
Once you have selected the star, drag one onto the canvas at the bottom of the medal.
Now, duplicate the star 6 times, place 3 smaller stars on one side of the bigger star, then repeat for the other side. Once your happy with the star placement add the following layer styles to each star.
The stars should look like this.
Repeat the steps above so you have two sets of stars, 7 at the top and 7 at the bottom.
Building The Strap Buckle’s
Select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) then drag out a rectangle at the top of the medal.
Were now going to warp the top of the rectangle to make it rounded in the middle. Go to “Edit > Transform > Warp” then warp the middle of the rectangle.
Now add a “Gradient Overlay” to the rectangle using the settings below.
Were now going to create the loop and joints, start off by creating two circles using the “Ellipse Tool” (U).
After creating the two circles create another set of circles, like a donut shape.
To the two small circles add a “Gradient Overlay” using the settings below.
Add the following layer styles to the donut shaped circle.
You should have something like this.
Above the top circle create a rounded rectangle using the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U), subtract the center of the rectangle so it kind of looks like a paper clip.
Duplicate the shape then shift it down a couple of pixels using the “Move Tool” (V).
To the duplicate rectangle add a “Color Overlay” using the settings below.
Finally add a “Gradient Overlay” to the top shape using the settings below.
You should have something like this.
Creating The Straps
Select the “Pen Tool” (P) then create a rectangular shape with diagonal sides. Make sure the bottom of the rectangular shape hangs over the buckle at the bottom.
Duplicate the layer and flip it horizontally, then shift the duplicated strap over towards the right side of the buckle.
Add a “Gradient Overlay” to the left strap using the settings below.
Add the following layer styles to the right strap.
To add a little bit of texture to the strap you could add a pattern.
Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page.
14 thoughts on “Learn To Create A Vector Gold Medal In Photoshop”
Great tutorial, thanks for posting!
cute meadl,sir.
Yes, you are so good and cool creativity in photoshop. I see your Gold Medal blog. now i want psd to html with div(css). so you are suggest me and contact my mail id. and now your next blog.
Superb Tutorial. i would definitely try this one and make a gold medal for me ;)… thank you very much for that.
Great tutorial and techniques well explained!
Thanks for sharing…
Bookmarked & Featured in Tutorials of the Week!!
Unbelievable tutorial it’s really great. Thank you so much…
Yes Great…… The important thing in this tuts is working with layer styles. I like this tuts…..
Great work rich!
wow! nice tutorial, actually i created the pen drive wid the help of ur tutorial, and sir today i come to know the real magic/power of photoshop. also thanks that due to you only i learned the layers.. now i can make any type of icon. thanks a lot sir.
i went through your website, its very nice one, i like it. specially the glass cracking from ur shoe.. awesome..
luv it. cool tut.
Thats a great tutorial, thanks for sharing your skills
Great tuto., thx a lot!!
Finally a good looking, easy metal reflections approach. You’re a life saver! Thanks for posting this.