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40 Credible Sources Examples For Students

Tom Clayton
Credible Sources Examples For Students
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As a student majoring in a specific field of study, you’ll need efficient guides during your research to present pertinent information on the different topics for all your lessons. Each thesis essay requires credible information and sourcing to help you maintain your work’s accuracy and integrity.

Credible sources are authoritative and trusted texts you need to use in your studies to support your data, facts, and statistics. In most cases, they have reliable evidence from previous academic authors, researchers, and scientists.

They often are peer-reviewed papers, books, and scholarly journals that have been approved for publication.

When writing assignments, it takes work to find credible sources in your field of study. That’s why we’ve curated a list of reliable sources to get you acing those assignments and other research papers your lecturer assigns you.

That said, if you aim to enhance your academic tasks with credible sources, keep reading.

Credible Sources Examples For Students

Research Sources


JSTOR is an online library of different sources, including books, images, journals, articles, and other primary sources. It is among the most reliable repositories whose sources are selected and verified before getting published.

This is where you’ll find all sorts of credible information for your academic papers and essays. Whether you’re majoring in science, history, medicine, or literature, you have everything you need under one roof.

2. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is an excellent academic platform full of educational resources such as articles, studies, reports, and more for students. It is a collection of resourceful materials from universities, research centers, academic publishers, and various professional societies.

This search engine is quite famous for its scholarly pieces. You’ll undoubtedly find any topic you’re looking for in any publishing format. The best part is that you get to use it for free as you explore the various points of view in your academics.

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3. QA Higher Education Library Portal

The QA Portal is a hub of academic databases. You can search and find highly relevant resources in any field of study. When searching for information, you have to be more specific with your search.

Use specific search terms instead of long sentences and phrases. For instance, if you’re looking for material to enhance your World War II essay, you have to key in ‘World War II’. This will help you achieve quality results from up-to-date articles.

4. SAGE Publishing

SAGE Publishing is an independent publisher and reliable source to incorporate into your study material. The platform grants you open access to academic material, including journals and other resources with enough facts for your assignment.

Every year, this site adds thousands of files with quality content in the form of journals and books. It is a subscription-based platform and very reputable at that.

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5. Google Books 

Google Books is another credible source example, very helpful if you want to find sources for your studies offline. You can peruse through a vast index with thousands of useful study books using search terms.

This platform is the most extensive, full-textbook index in the world. On the site, you’ll be presented with an accessible overview of each book and its alternatives, with a guide on how to purchase it. The books have listed all editions and similar books you may want to explore for your next academic work.

6. ResearchGate

Looking for a database of research publications? ResearchGate is one such database with more than one hundred thirty-five million publication pages, over a million questions and answers, and over twenty million subjects researched.

For your course, you only need a title, the author’s name, or the research area to find materials to incorporate into your studies. The site is simple to navigate and pretty resourceful.

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7. Academia 

Academia is another free resource you need as a student. It lets you comb through its database and download the study papers you need for your course. Sometimes the paper authors may upload only a section of the whole article.

If you encounter incomplete material, just contact the authors directly, and you’ll get the rest of the information.

8. Microsoft Academic

Microsoft Academic is a free web search engine that helps students to access necessary literature for assignments, research, and other projects at the university.

Besides providing a rich literature library, this platform enables you to track recent academic materials, research, and publications in any field of study.

After relaunching in 2016, Microsoft Academic has enhanced its dashboard to give you an intuitive face that is easy to navigate.

9. Scopus

Scopus is another platform with the most extensive library of peer-reviewed articles and journals. However, it lets you check citations and abstracts for your essays for free. But you’ll need to review their terms to gain full access to the material.

All in all, this is a credible source you can rely on for the best material to include in your thesis, dissertation, and other academic assignments.

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10. Gov.UK 

Gov.UK is the official body of the UK government that stores research papers and studies conducted by various public and private research centers. It’s worth checking out, and who knows, you might come across articles that fit your study topics.

This is an excellent platform if you need historical, medical, economic, and political material to use in your class projects. The platform is user-friendly and gives you full access to a wide collection of government-certified studies, findings, and stats to help you validate your essay points.

11. Taylor and Francis Online

Taylor and Francis Online is no new name to researchers. It is renowned for its peer-reviewed journal materials. Before utilizing it, you have to double-check its terms. This is because its free admission is limited.

Once you’ve gone through the terms, you’ll have access to every journal, old or current, published on this site. These journals are well-reviewed and quite reliable. They have great facts you can borrow for your assignments.

Nature and Medical Science Sources

12. ScienceDirect

ScienceDirect is an extensive database containing medical, technical, and scientific literature. This Netherlands-based repository has over eighteen million credible materials.

It is an ideal tool that can enhance the efficacy and reliability of your research. Most of the materials on this platform are accessible through a subscription.

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13. National Geographic

If you are studying nature, National Geographic is the perfect, credible source to help you explore exciting documentaries and news on a topic of your choice. While it’s a renowned TV network, it also has a website and an app that will help you get the answers you need for your paper.

The platform is reliable and helpful, with excellent sourcing and evidence for your research and assignments.

14. World Medical Association

The WMA (World Medical Association) is a global independent confederation containing free professional medical associations for physicians.

Besides having an extensive library of resourceful information, the association offers ethical guidance through resolutions, declarations, and statements.

If you’re studying medicine and or other related sciences, WMA will furnish you with reliable information on topics like tobacco control, immunization, patient safety, health-related human rights, public health policy, etc.

15. NASA

NASA is a household name when it comes to space explorations and discoveries. Everyone marvels at NASA’s work. The organization continues to find more information about space, things we never knew existed.

The government trusts this source of information because it’s raw and certified. You’ll find lots of reports, videos, and pictures on the NASA website. You’ll also treat yourself to live streams when the organization is launching events or landing. It’s a great site to visit if you want to learn more about natural science.

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16. WorldWideScience

WorldWideScience is a credible source example for students with a passion for natural science. This global science gateway lets you search and discover new developments in science.

It accelerates your scientific discovery far and wide, allowing you to view its progress through universal partnerships. The platform aims to enable you to access all the national and international portals and databases.

This way, you’ll be equipped with enough evidence, facts, and statistics to validate your paper.

17. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This is a credible website owned by The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As the country’s public health agency, the platform stores crucial information about diseases and treatment breakthroughs and protocols.

If you’re a medical student, you’ll find the latest information on various diseases with investigative research material and experimentation on the same. You’ll also discover the various treatments and ongoing clinical trials.

18. Chemistry World

Are you studying science journalism? Chemistry World is a website with high-end information from contributors across the world. It packs a lot of reliable data on chemical science and related topics.

This portal represents the chemical science community worldwide. It was formed to support and promote chemistry and chemists in all parts of the world.

19. The Lancet

The Lancet is a medical journal providing weekly editions on the latest research and findings in medicine. It can give you insights into the latest medical breakthroughs and the like.

You can furnish your research paper, assignments, and other course materials with reliable information from this site. It is among the oldest and most reputable platforms where you can find general medical journals and articles.

20. Scientific American

Scientific American is a must-visit magazine if you are a science and technology student. It publishes the works of famous scientists like Albert Einstein. You’ll find all issues with featured articles from renowned innovators and scientists.

Their articles date way back to the early years when many discoveries were being made. The website has a paper version you can buy and use for research. Otherwise, you can subscribe to the website to dig deeper into the repository.

21. Anxiety & Depression Association of America

The Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA) is an organization dealing with preventing and curing depression and anxiety disorders. It was formed to improve the quality of life for people with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and OCD.

On this site, you’ll gain more profound knowledge about the conditions mentioned earlier, including their causes, prevention, and treatment. It has vast information about the programs designed for all patients with these disorders. This is a good place to start when taking your medical coursework.

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22. MedlinePlus

MedlinePlus is a website for the US National Library of Medicine. It is an extensive medical database with more than seven million studies, journals, technical reports, and microfilms.

Do you need to back up your research with credible medical sources? This is the place to be. Digging deeper, you’ll find the oldest medical works from previous research findings.

23. Nature

Nature is another credible source example you may want to explore as a student. It’s a global journal that publishes research studies in all fields of science and technology.

Nature is based on the importance, originality, and interdisciplinary aspects of science and technology. It also offers insightful and rapid news of topical and emerging trends that influence science. This is one site you would want to take advantage of.

24. British Medical Journal

The British Medical Journal is another peer-reviewed journal of the medical trade. It is among the oldest medical journals featuring general pieces of information.

Owned and published by the British Medical Association’s trade union, this site’s goal is to enhance public medical knowledge. As a medical student, you’ll find the latest information on medical research and related news.

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25. National Institutes of Health

Are you studying medicine, behavioral health, or any other health-related course? The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the primary destination for insightful information and materials for your studies.

The website has ample material for medical research and will equip you with facts, statistics, findings, experiments, trials, and other discoveries in medicine. This health website is backed by federal government agencies, making it a credible source example for students.

NIH gives you information on a global scale. It has a time-tested system that helps you identify viable biomedical research. It also seeks crucial knowledge about people and other living systems and applies the knowledge to improve health, reduce disability and illness, and lengthen life.

As a health student, you’ll learn a lot from this site and be able to back up your course projects with raw, peer-reviewed data.

Credible Statistical Sources

These are organizations that carry out statistical research directly.

26. The Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a section of the US Department of Labor that specializes in labor statistics and economics. It is a leading U.S. government agency keeping crucial statistical information about the occurrences and reforms in the labor department.

The platform can help boost your research papers with viable statistics and evidence.


UNCTAD’s website offers the statistical information needed to analyze world trade and investment. If you are studying international trade and its development and financial flows, this would be a good place to start.

It contains both older and current statistics that would be helpful when you are comparing past trades and investments with the existing data.

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28. The International Labor Organization

Everyone knows that the ILO (International Labor Organization) advocates for social and economic justice. When researching topics about labor, you want to boost your assignments with vast informational materials from this U.N. agency.

ILO works to establish international labor standards. That’s why it collects and stores the latest news and statistics on the labor situation across the world.

29. World Bank Data

World Bank Data is a website with a collection of statistical databases. Here, you’ll dig up all the statistics on various financial matters.

As a finance student, you’ll need to prove your theories with figures and facts. This site has everything you need for your course.

While some of the databases on the site are freely available, others can only be accessed through a subscription.

30. The Statistics Division

The Statistics Division is another section of the U.N. that compiles and disseminates global information with statistics. This division also ensures there are better standards and norms for all statistical activities.

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31. International Monetary Fund Data

The International Monetary Fund Data is a site with a comprehensive list of databases. The databases are connected to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and date back from 1970 to 2010 and beyond.

If your interest as a student is in global monetary statistics, this website will furnish you with historical financial details backed by statistics.

32. Eurostat

Eurostat is the European Union’s statistical office. Based in Luxemburg, this site offers statistical data at the European level.

It amasses information from different regions and countries under the EU to necessitate comparison between them. This can be a credible source for any historical, financial, or geographical courses.

The statistics here stream in regularly. Just as these figures equip the EU with relevant data, they can also enhance your research with accurate facts.

News Sources

33. CNN 

CNN is an international TV channel that focuses on business and politics. This popular US channel is renowned for its prompt delivery of breaking news.

If you study journalism and want to be at the height of every bit of North American news, switch to CNN at all times. The Cable News Network is a 24-hour channel that has a website with a database of rich information on various topics.

It can be your credible source, especially if you are looking for updated information on a particular topic of study. It is free to access, giving you a vast library of information to choose from.

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34. BBC News

BBC News is one of the most credible sources for students you can ever come across. This channel posts all the fresh news pieces in audio, video, and text format on its official website, enough to equip you with knowledge of journalism and current events.

The content is available and accessible since it’s also a TV channel. You can search for news sources to validate your research assignments on all industry trends.

The British Broadcasting Corporation-owned site has a search feature to help you locate updated articles on your topic of choice.

35. The Guardian

How could you miss The Guardian? Having been in business for more than two centuries, this British newspaper has become everyone’s favorite. It offers free online publications on its site.

The repository is packed with historical and current news, which you can use as a reference for your course projects. Since it runs on donations, your input will go a long way in contributing to its operations.

36. Associated Press News

Associated Press News is another household name in the United States. Based in New York, this news agency is owned by U.S. broadcasters and newspapers.

On the site are all sorts of news items, articles, and related material. Whichever topic you’re studying, be it history, education, science, or geography, you will definitely find credible material to go with it.

Associated Press News is a non-profit venture that conducts its operation as an unincorporated association.

37. USA Today

USA Today is both a broadcasting firm and a daily news source. It is a credible news source with a collection of pieces on different viewpoints.

Its website is accessible physically and online. The supplements and sections have the same layout as the printed editions.

USA Today comprises text and video content. You’ll also find photo galleries that can be helpful to your news research course.

You can read through without having an account, but to view the photos or videos, you may need to create a free account.

38. Reuters

If you are majoring in reporting journalism, Reuters is a perfect mentor to emulate. This website is reputable for high-end reporting.

It utilizes the value-neutral approach to ensure unbiased reporting. That’s why any information you’ll dig up here will be worth your while. You are assured of accuracy in reporting, statistics, and validation.

39. The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is among the giants of the world’s business journals. It is quite popular and publishes its news and articles online in broadsheet format.

The site features business and financial news with entertaining and journalism articles. It also covers other topics in technology, science, luxury living, health, politics, etc.

The WSJ is among the leading daily financial newspapers in the world. It was the first US national newspaper and is often regarded as a journal of record.

If you’re pursuing a business course, then this is the news site to go to.

40. The Economist 

The Economist is a weekly newspaper published digitally in demitab format. Its key highlights are current affairs, politics, culture, technology, and international business.

The British newspaper dates back to 1845 and has built a reputation since then. Its central focus is on political and economic issues across the globe.

It has more than a million subscribers, online and in print. The publication can give you a deeper understanding of the political and economic landscape globally.

Its articles are insightful, focusing on economic trends that may affect investment portfolios. The Economist believes in free markets and free trade.


When taking your course in a college or university, you’ll find yourself researching different topics. Your lecturer expects you to provide a relevant piece with facts and viewpoints that are backed up by credible sources. This list contains the most credible sources that concentrate on facts, proof, and statistics.

You can use them to provide unbiased and reputable information that will back up all your assignments. Whichever topic you’re studying, these sources have in-depth information to enhance your writing.


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