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Learn How To Create A Stylish Photography Web Layout

Tom Clayton
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Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Resources Used In This Tutorial

Creating The Header

Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 1200 x 1600 pixels with a black background. Select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) then create a thin rectangle at the top of the canvas.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Now add the following layer styles to the rectangle.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout
Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Select the “Pen Tool” (P) then draw a line in the center of the rectangle. Once you’ve drawn the line use the following settings to turn the line into small dashes.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout
Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Now add the following layer styles to the dashed lines.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout
Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

You should have something like this.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Were now going to start adding the 3D floor/wall using a wood texture.

Download and copy the wood texture to the canvas then resize and place it underneath the red rectangle at the top of the canvas. Then with the wood texture layer selected go to “Image > Adjustments > Desaturate” (Shift + Ctrl + U).

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) then make a selection at the bottom of the texture.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Select the “Gradient Tool” (G) then drag a foreground to transparent gradient from the bottom of the texture to the top of the selection.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Once the gradient has been added set the layer blend mode to “Soft Light”.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Paste another copy of the wood texture onto the canvas, flip it vertically by going to “Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical”. Move (V) the texture underneath the first texture then select “Edit > Transform > Perspective”. Drag the two bottom corner anchor points outwards until you have something like mine. You may need to resize the texture vertically also.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Now add a shadow coming away from the wall onto the floor, the same way we did the shadow for the wall only drag the gradient in the opposite direction. Once you’ve added the shadow add a layer mask to the floor layer then drag a linear gradient over the bottom to blend it into the black background.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Adding The Camera

Download the camera image from the resource list, then remove the background and copy it to the canvas.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Duplicate the camera layer then drag the duplicated layer underneath the original. Add a black #000000 “Color Overlay” to the duplicated layer then blur it using the guassian blur by around 1-3 pixels “Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur”. Select the “Move Tool” (V) then move the duplicated layer down by about 4 pixels.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Were now going to add two more shadows to the camera, one in the bottom left of the camera and another one top right.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Select the “Gradient Tool” (G) with a black foreground to transparent gradient. Load a selection around the camera by clicking the layer thumbnail whilst holding down the “Ctrl Key” on the keyboard. Once the selection has been loaded create a new layer above the camera then drag the gradient diagonally across the bottom of the camera.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Once you have done the gradient set the opacity of the gradient to around 65%.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Repeat the same steps for the top right shadow only this time set the layer opacity to 100% and set the blend mode to “Soft Light”.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Creating The Photo

For this next part i sort of cheated a little by using a preset action. You can download the action from graphic river using the link below.

Once you’ve downloaded the action set open your desired photo then apply effect 27.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Copy and paste the new modified image to the canvas and place behind the camera.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Were now going to an additional shadow to the photo in same way we did to the camera. Duplicate the photo layer then add a black #000000 “Color Overlay” to the duplicated layer. Drag the duplicated layer underneath the original then move it to the left by around 3-4 pixels using the “Move Tool” (V).

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Load a selection around the photo then drag a black foreground to transparent gradient from the bottom left corner of the photo on a new layer (Same as we did with the camera). Set the opacity of the gradient to 75%.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Make another duplicate of the photo then add a guassian blur “Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur” to the duplicated layer, blur the layer by around 3-5 pixels. Finally add a layer mask to the blurred layer, select the mask from within the layers window then using a black #000000 “Paint Brush” (B) brush around the edges and a bit of the face.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Completing The Header

Using some nice typography build up the rest of the header section. Add a nice looking title using a writing style font, finish off the typography with a block of intro text.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Finally finish off the header section with some social icons. You can grab the ones i used from the link below.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout
Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Latest Photos Section

Select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) then create 4 white rectangles next to each other underneath the header section. Align the rectangles to the right of the canvas.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Load a selection around one of the rectangles then go to “Select > Modify > Contract”, contract the selection by 5 pixels then copy and paste a photo into the selection by going to “Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into”.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Repeat the step above for the next 3 rectangles.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

On the far left side of the thumbnail images add some portfolio related text using the “Type Tool” (T) leaving a little bit of space underneath for a red button. Select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) and drag out a small rectangle.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Once you’ve created the rectangle add the following layer styles.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout
Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout
Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Label your button with the word portfolio, then you should have something like this.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Underneath the small photo thumbnails create a block of text separated with two 1 pixel lines. You can simulate lorem ipsum text by going to “Type > Paste Lorem Ipsum”. (New feature in CS6)

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Services Section

For the services section start off with a small block of text like we did for our gallery, only this time place the red button to the right of the text in line.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Underneath the main heading add a thumbnail of an image, i went for a nice camera photo, this one in particular as it shows off a tiny part of red which continues with the theme/colors of the layout.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Finished off the services section with a simple list, separating the two lists with a nice 1px divider then finishing it off with some arrow style bullet points colored in red.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

So far you should have something like this.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

The Contact Section

Start this section off with a nice big statement directly underneath the ending divider of the last section.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

To the left of this section add all the important ways people can get in touch. Phone number, email and address etc…

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

To the right of the contact information create a simple form mockup. Select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) then drag out simple white rectangles as if they were form fields.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Label each form field inside the rectangle.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Finish off the section with a divider at the bottom and one separating the contact information and form. Finally label the form section.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Finishing Up With The Footer

Duplicate the header wood textures then drag them to the bottom of the canvas. Add a layer mask to the back wood texture then drag a linear gradient over the top part to blend the texture in with the black background.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Finally duplicate the red bar and drag this to the very bottom of the canvas.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout

Finish off the footer area with your copyright information and some more social icons using the “Just Social” icon set.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout


Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page Or Tweet them via twitter @photoshop_plus.

Learn How To Create a Stylish Photography Layout


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