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Quick and Easy Slimy Text In Adobe Photohshop

Tom Clayton
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What We’ll Be Creating

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Resources Used In This Tutorial

Quick and Easy Background

Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 1024 x 768 pixels with a black #000000 background. Now render some clouds by going to “Filter > Render > Clouds”.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Set the opacity of the clouds layer to around 19% then add a color overlay using the settings below.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Once you’ve added the color overlay add a layer mask to the clouds layer then select the “Gradient Tool” (G) with a radial gradient.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Starting from the center of the canvas drag the radial gradient over canvas.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Preparing The Text

Select “Type Tool” (T) then using a font of your choice type out your text in big letters. I’m using a font called “Brush Script Std”.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Right click the text layer and select “Rasterize Type”, now using some dripping style brushes add them together with your text. You can download dipping, splatter and paint style brushes from any photoshop brush website, just search google for a set you like the look of.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Adding The Layer Styles

Once you’re done with adding the dripping style brushes duplicate the layer 8 times. Once duplicated label each layer from 1 to 8 start from the bottom of the stack, then hide all layers part from layer 1 and the background layer. Select layer 1 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Select layer 2 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Select layer 3 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Select layer 4 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Select layer 5 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Select layer 6 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Select layer 7 then add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Finally, select layer 8 and add the following layer styles.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text
Quick and Easy Slimy Text

You should have something like this.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Adding The Small Touches

Download the bling brushes from “Media Militia” then load them up in photoshop.

Using the brush pack start adding subtle light reflections to the text, make the brushes quite small with the odd big one.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

Build up the brushes by adding multiple layers, try and switch it about a but by changing the blend mode of a few here and there.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text


Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page Or Tweet them via twitter @photoshop_plus.

Quick and Easy Slimy Text

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