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Learn To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Tom Clayton
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Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Resources Used In This Tutorial

Creating The Ribbon Shape

Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 600 x 400 pixels with any style background.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) then drag out a small vertical rectangle in the center of your canvas.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Select the vector mask thumbnail from with the layers window.


A black line around the shape shows whether a vector mask is selected.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

While the vector mask is selected select the “Pen Tool” (P) then change the path option to “Subtract From Shape Area”.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Now draw a triangular path, once you close the path you will see the path subtract from the main shape.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Adding The Styles

Add the following layer styles to your ribbon shape.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons
Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons
Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons
Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

You should have something like this.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Now right click your layer and select “Convert To Smart Object”. Once converted go to “Filter > Noise > Add Noise”.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons
Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Adding The Fake Look Stitching

Select the “Type Tool” (T), set your foreground color to #2e81c6 then just hold down the minus key (-) on the keyboard. When you think the stitching is long enough to fit the rectangle, stop. It doesn’t have to be exact as we can easily trim away any excess. Select the “Free Transform Tool” (Ctrl + T) then whilst hold down the shift key rotate the lines so they are vertical.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Duplicate your fake stitching layer then move it 1 pixel to the right then change the color to #7dc2e7.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Duplicate both set of lines then move to the opposite side if the rectangle.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Making It Social

Select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) then drag out a small square onto the bottom of the ribbon, in the same way we subtracted the triangle in the first couple of steps, simply do the opposite and add a small triangle at the bottom of the square.


Use “Add To Shape Layer” instead of “Subtract From Shape Layer”.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Using the social icons from the resource list, add a twitter icon to the square.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

Finish off the ribbon with some text (E.g – Follow Me).

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons


Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page Or Tweet them via twitter @photoshop_plus.

Learn How To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons

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6 thoughts on “Learn To Create Simple Vertical Social Ribbons”

  1. Cheers for this tutorial, it was really easy to follow and has taught me some new techniques which I am going to take away and use in my future work. I also love the outcome as it is really effective and stands out well. I reckon I may use something similar on my next web design project and have the social links so they slide out from one of the sides. Once again thanks, and I look forward to more tutorials to come from you.


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