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Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Tom Clayton
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Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Resources Used In This Tutorial

Creating The Modal Box Shape

Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 800 x 600 pixels, then select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) with a radius of 10 pixels.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Once selected drag out a rectangle in the center of your canvas.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Make sure the path of the rounded rectangle is active then select the “Rectangle Tool” (U). With the rectangle tool selected press the “Minus” key (-) then drag out the rectangle over the top half of the rounded rectangle. You should have something which looks like this.

Quick Tip:

The “Minus Key” (-) is the shortcut for “Subtract From Shape Layer”. The “Plus Key” (+) is the shortcut for “Add To Shape Layer”.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

We now need to re-create the top half of the rounded rectangle, so with the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) selected create another rectangle above the first rectangle.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Now select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) with the “Minus” key (-), chop off the bottom of the top rounded rectangle just where the bottom rectangle starts.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

We now need to add our little arrow to the top of our modal box. Make sure the top rectangle is selected then press the “Plus Key” (+). Now select the “Custom Shapes Tool” (U) and select the following arrow.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Once you’ve selected the arrow, drag it onto the canvas. Select the path of the arrow then press “Ctrl + T” to free transform the shape, rotate the shape so the arrow is pointing upwards. Now select the “Move Tool” (V) and move the arrow into place in the middle of the top rectangle.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Adding The Layer Styles

Select the top rectangle and add the following layer styles.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

You should have something that looks like this.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Now add the following layer styles to the bottom rectangle.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

You should have something that looks like this.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Quick Tip:

To make the modal box a bit more appealing try adding a subtle pattern texture.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Adding The Modal Box Shadows

Select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) then drag a small rectangle directly underneath the top half of the modal box.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Once you’ve added the rectangle add the following layer styles.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

The next shadow we need to add is the main modal box shadow which sits behind the box. First select all the layers for modal box then right click and select “Duplicate Layers”. Whilst the duplicated layers are still selected right click once more and select “Merge Layers”. Finally now the layers are merged add a black “Color Overlay” and drag the layer to the bottom of the stack above the background layer.

Set the shadows opacity to 50% then add a “Guassian Blur” by going to “Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur”, blur by around 3 – 5 pixels. You should have something like this.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Modal Box Content

In the top rounded rectangle of the modal box download and add the twitter logo. You can use my PSD which i created a while ago which contains the logo as a shape layer.

Once you’ve got the twitter logo to hand and have added it to the canvas add the following layer styles.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Next to the twitter logo add some text, once you’ve added some text add the following drop shadow to the text layer.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

In the bottom half of the modal box and a quick small thumbnail and an example tweet. To the text again add the drop shadow from the above image.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Creating The Tweet Button

Select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) this time with a radius of 5px. Drag out a rectangle in the bottom right corner of the modal box.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Now add the following layer styles to the button layer.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box
Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

You should have something like this.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box

Finally add the label to the button, then add the a drop shadow to the text label using the settings below.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box


Thanks for taking part in this tutorial, if you managed to finish this tutorial I’d love to see some of your results. Feel free to post them up on our Facebook Fan Page Or Tweet them via twitter @photoshop_plus.

Learn How To Create A Stylish Twitter Modal Box


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