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Can Reddit Be Used For Cheating?

Tom Clayton
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Are you worried that your partner might be up to no good on Reddit?

If your partner or spouse is spending a lot of time on Reddit, and you’re becoming suspicious about what they’re really up to, read the post till the end.

In this post, we’ll tell you how Reddit can be used for cheating. We’ll also show you how to check whether your partner is using Reddit for cheating or for harmless reasons.

Read on.

Quick Summary

Reddit can be used for cheating in a variety of ways. There are subreddits that are dedicated to adultery and cheating, where people give advice on how to cheat and even find other Redditors to cheat with.

There are also hookup subreddits, where people look for partners for casual sex and friends with benefits.

Furthermore, there are a lot of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) subreddits. For example, there are subreddits where people can find and pay cam girls for erotic shows online.

Reddit can also be used for academic cheating, as there are a lot of subreddits where students can find and pay people to do their homework for them.

What Does It Mean If Your Partner Is on Reddit?

In most cases, it doesn’t mean anything. Most people don’t go on Reddit to cheat.

Reddit is a social media platform that supports forum-style engagements between Reddit users, who are often called “Redditors.” Redditors can also send each other private messages.

It’s organized by communities, which revolve around certain topics, like “stocks” or “travel.” Each community is called a subreddit.

Within each subreddit, members of the community can create their own forum posts and comment on posts made by others. They can also send direct messages to other people who are active in the subreddit.

However, while most subreddits are harmless, there are certain subreddits that are quite nefarious.

In fact, this may come as a shock to you, but there are subreddits that are dedicated entirely to cheating! Yes, you heard right – there are communities on Reddit where people talk about how to commit adultery and even meet up with other cheaters to cheat on their spouses.

Sounds scary, doesn’t it? I’m sure your heart is beating furiously right now, but before you jump to conclusions, let’s talk a bit about what these subreddits are, how they work, and who is active on them.

More importantly, we will discuss how to check if your partner is active in these subreddits and if they are meeting up with people from Reddit.

How People Use Reddit to Cheat?

Let’s talk about different ways people cheat on Reddit.


Hookup subreddits are communities where people go to find no-strings-attached relationships and casual sex.

These subreddits are not dedicated specifically to cheating, because most people who are looking for casual relationships are not necessarily cheating on their partners. Many of them are single, while others may be in open relationships.

However, these subreddits can definitely be used for cheating. Your partner has no business frequenting these subreddits!

Adultery Advice and Meetups

There are two types of adultery subreddits.

The first type is dedicated to discussing adultery. People in these subreddits aren’t necessarily finding people to hook up with on Reddit – they may be cheating on you with their work partner, schoolmate, or someone they met randomly.

However, these subreddits provide a forum where adulterers and cheaters can come together and discuss tips and tricks on how to cheat. It’s quite shocking, but yes, people do that!

For example, people may share tips on how to avoid getting caught or the best ways to find people to cheat with so as to reduce the risk of their partner finding out.

The second type of adultery subreddit is where people look for other people to cheat with. For example, a man who is married may be looking for a woman who is also married to meet up with and have sex.

These subreddits provide great opportunities for cheaters, because it’s often easier to cheat with someone who is also cheating on their partner than with a person who is single.

That way, both people know what they are getting into, and both people will probably be interested in keeping the relationship discrete.

After all, both are simply looking for a “sneaky link.” If your partner cheats with a single person, on the other hand, that person may start wondering why your partner never wants to be seen with them in public, only meets them in hotels, etc.

By cheating with other cheaters who are also trying to keep things on the down low, it’s a lot easier to avoid getting caught.

Webcam Girls and NSFW Content

Finally, there is another type of cheating on Reddit that is often harder to detect, because it doesn’t involve meeting with anyone in person.

There is a host of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) subreddits that are dedicated to sharing adult content.

Not all of them are necessarily for cheating. For example, some may only share pornography or adult content.

Many people would not consider watching porn to be cheating, since it’s just watching videos without one-on-one interaction with a real person.

However, many of these NSFW websites do involve interactions with real people. For example, your partner may be purchasing sexual content from an OnlyFans model or paying a webcam girl for video sessions online.

Many people would, in fact, consider these actions cheating.

Not all of them necessarily involve money, by the way. There may be subreddits where people simply share nudes with each other.

Once again, that can be considered cheating.

Other Ways People Cheat on Reddit

It’s important to stress that even if your partner is not active in any NSFW or adultery subreddits, it is still possible to cheat on Reddit.

Remember, you can start a conversation with pretty much anyone on Reddit. Your partner may be active in various subreddits and start talking with someone else who they share common interests with.

What if an online relationship develops over time between two people active in that subreddit? It could eventually lead to an in-person meetup.

At first, it may be pretty harmless, as they may simply be discussing random topics they both find interesting. However, if the relationship develops into someone more serious, it could easily cross the red line and go from being online friends to a more romantic kind of relationship.

Eventually, it could even lead to a physical meetup and real sex.

Now, just because your partner is chatting with someone on Reddit, that doesn’t mean they are cheating. Let’s talk about some ways to find out if your partner is using Reddit to cheat on you.

Red Flags: Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating on You Using Reddit

Photo by Pexels

Let’s first talk about red flags.

What are some signs that your partner may be using Reddit not to browse the news or talk about gaming but to cheat on you?

Your Partner Gets a Lot of Reddit Notifications

Lots of Reddit notifications aren’t always a sign of cheating. The Reddit app sends everyone numerous notifications a day.

These are notifications about new forum posts in your subreddits, replies to your comments, upvotes to your comment, etc.

However, they can also mean that your partner is chatting with someone on Reddit. Check if they are chat notifications.

Your Partner Is Secretive

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Does your partner suddenly seem secretive about things? Perhaps they shut off their phone whenever you approach or you see them closing their browser window when you’re around.

Perhaps they’ve been going out late at night or spending a lot of time at work, in the gym, or with a friend (supposedly).

Your Partner Is Distant

Photo by Pexels

All of sudden, you feel like your partner is distant from you. They respond less quickly or less often to your texts, and it seems like the enthusiasm they once had has gone missing.

That could be a sign that they have someone else who they are communicating with.

Or, perhaps physical intimacy has become infrequent or nonexistent. Your partner doesn’t want to hug, cuddle, or have sex with you.

That could mean that there is someone else with whom they are having intimate relations.

How to Check If Your Partner Is Using Reddit to Cheat?

Checking if your partner is using Reddit to cheat requires access to their Reddit account. You will need to check their phone or computer where they are logged into Reddit.

Alternatively, if they use their Gmail account with Reddit’s single sign in feature, you need a device where they are logged into Gmail.

Check Their Chats

The first thing to do is to check their chat history. If they are communicating with people and coordinating hookups or extramarital affairs, you will be able to find evidence of that in their Reddit chat history.

It’s important to note that on Reddit, there are two places where people can have conversations: Messages and Chats. They are not the same thing!

Messages are designed for email-style conversations, while chats are similar to Instagram DMs.

On Desktop, you can access Messages here (make sure you’re signed in). Chats, on the other hand, can be accessed by clicking on the chat icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

On the mobile app, you can access Messages by clicking on the Inbox option at the bottom-right of the screen and then selecting the Messages tab.

Meanwhile, you can access the Chats by clicking on the Chats option, right next to the Inbox option in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

However, this isn’t always foolproof. It is possible to hide chats on Reddit.

If your partner is smart, they may be hiding some of their chats. So, what can you do next?

Check Their Active Subreddits

The next step is to check which subreddits they are subscribed to.

On desktop, you can follow this link (once signed in) to check which subreddits your partner is subscribed to.

On mobile, click on the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen and then scroll to the Communities section.

However, if your partner is really smart, they could be active in subreddits they are not subscribed to. You can comment in any subreddit without being a member.

Check Their Notifications

Check their notifications. If they are active in subreddits related to adultery or cheating, and they have been commenting on posts or even just subscribing to post notifications, you will likely see some notifications there.

Notifications come in when someone comments on a post they subscribed to, when someone upvotes their comment, or when someone replies to their comment.

Click on the bell icon in the top-right corner to access notifications. On mobile, click on the bell icon that’s labeled “Inbox” in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Check Their Search History

Another tip is to check their search history. Your partner may have been searching for subreddits related to cheating or hookups.

The search history can be cleared, and specific searches can be removed, but many people forget to do so, so it’s worth a try. You can check the search history by simply clicking on the search bar at the top of the screen on desktop or mobile.

Check Their Saved Posts

Your partner may have been saving some posts from shady subreddits, even if they are not actively commenting on them. They may be saving them so they can come back to them later.

On the desktop, you can find saved posts by clicking on the profile avatar at the top right of the screen and then clicking on View Profile. You will see a bunch of tabs; switch to the Saved tab to see saved posts and comments.

On mobile, simply click on the profile icon at the top right of the screen and then click on “Saved” in the menu that appears.

Subreddits to Be on the Lookout For

Finally, let’s wrap things up with a list of subreddits that are commonly used for cheating.


This subreddit is not designed to facilitate meetups. Rather, it gives members a platform to discuss adultery, ways to commit it without getting caught, etc.

It’s a starting place for many people who are thinking about adultery but haven’t yet committed it and are interested in how other people do it.


R4R stands for Redditors For Redditor. It’s a Reddit “personal classified ads” forum, where Redditors can find other Redditors to meet up with for casual sex, dating, and hookups.

While r/R4R is the main Redditor For Redditor subreddit, there are various offshoot subreddits as well. These are more niche websites focusing on specific demographics, locations, or fetishes, such as r/R4RAsian and r/R4RToronto.

Hookup Subreddits

There are a lot of hookup subreddits in various cities. For example, r/berlin_hookup is for hookups in Berlin, Germany, while r/austinhookup is for hookups in Austin, Texas.

There are also hookup sites for specific fetishes, including r/hijab_hookup.

Webcam Subreddits

These subreddits usually allow people to find webcam girls to watch and pay, or they share content from webcam girls. Even though no intention of meeting up may exist, many people would consider it cheating if their partner is paying webcam girls for erotic shows.

You can usually find these subreddits by searching for the keyword “webcam.” For example, r/AsianWebcamGirls is for guys who are looking for Asian webcam models.

Other Subreddits

There are so many subreddits that can be used for cheating that we can’t cover them all. You can often find them by searching for keywords such as R4R, meetup, hookup, M4F (male for female), F4M (Female For Male), and NSFW.

Can Reddit Be Used for Cheating on Exams or Homework?


If you’re wondering whether your students may be using Reddit to cheat, the answer is that it’s possible.

There are subreddits such as r/DoMyHomework where people can pay other people to do their homework for them. In other subreddits, such as r/HomeworkHelp, people can post pictures of their homework and receive assistance.

In addition, there are various Reddit posts where you can find tips on how to cheat on specific exams, including in-person and online exams.


Reddit can be used for cheating and even for academic cheating.

Some people go on Reddit to find casual partners for extramarital affairs or to discuss tips for committing adultery.

However, just because your boyfriend or girlfriend is on Reddit doesn’t mean that they are cheating.

It’s important not to jump to conclusions unless there are various warning signs that have been bothering you for a while, including the red flags we discussed in this article.

Remember, honest and straightforward communication is essential. If you fear your partner might be cheating on you on Reddit, you should try having a conversation with them.

Your fears may be unfounded, and it will allow you to discuss the core issues affecting your relationship.


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