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GTA 5 Cheat Code Guide On PC

Tom Clayton
GTA 5 Cheat Code Guide On PC
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Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 is one of the most beloved and popular games in the world.

It introduces you to an expansive world and offers various opportunities and means by which you can explore the game’s virtual world, go on missions, earn achievements, acquire properties, and more.

Although there is no denying that GTA 5 is extremely fun to play in regular mode, using cheats can enhance the gaming experience even further.

GTA 5 cheats allow you to do things you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to do in the game, introducing a whole new set of adventures and challenges for you to prove yourself.

We have put together a complete guide to GTA 5 cheat codes for PC for those looking to take their gameplay to the next level.

We will walk you through how to activate these cheat codes and explain what each cheat does so you know exactly what you are getting into.

Let’s begin.

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How to Activate GTA 5 Cheats on PC?

There are different ways you can go about entering GTA 5 cheat codes into your PC to activate them at any point during your gameplay.

PC Commands — This is the fastest method for entering GTA 5 cheats via your PC. All you have to do is hit the key to the left side of the “1” key on your keyboard. Depending on the country you are in, the key could have the “~” or “¬” imprinted on it.

Pressing this key will bring up the command box where you can type the cheat code or phrase that you want to activate. Type the code out in capital letters and hit enter when you are done.

Cell Phone Numbers — Alternatively, you can turn on a cheat code by pressing to bring up your in-game cell phone. Go to the contact list and hit the spacebar to access the dial pad, then enter and dial the phone number for the desired cheat.

Keep in mind that GTA 5 cheats are not permanently stored on the cell phone like in GTA 4 so you will need to re-enter them every time you want to use them. But you can tap * on your dial pad to quickly re-enter the number for the last cheat you used.

Controller Buttons — If you are using a gamepad, you can browse online for GTA PlayStation and Xbox cheats and use the appropriate button combinations to activate the desired cheat code.

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Tip for Using GTA 5 Cheats for PC

Before you start using cheats to boost your GTA 5 gaming experience, you should know that applying cheats will temporarily disable achievements and trophies throughout your gaming session.

This means that you won’t be able to earn new achievements until you deactivate the cheats, reload the game, or restart your PC.

To avoid losing your current streak, we recommend that you save your games before activating any cheats. This way, you will always have a clean save slot.

Using cheat codes for GTA 5 on your PC will also stop you from earning ratings higher than Bronze medals in your missions for the duration of the gaming session. However, things will go back to normal once you reload the game or remove the cheat.

Activating GTA 5 cheats won’t affect your ability to play the game to completion, so you don’t have to worry about compromising your gaming adventures.

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GTA 5 Cheat Codes on PC

Here’s a complete list of all the Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats for movement, ability, combat, weapons, and more that you can use for PC gameplay.

You can choose to activate these commands and their effects by entering the cheat phrase into your PC or typing the phone numbers on your in-game cell phone.

Invisibility (God mode) Cheat

This cheat can make you incapable of being wounded, harmed, or damaged by explosions, bullets, going underwater, fall damage, etc. for five minutes.

Once the five-minute timer runs out, you will need to reactivate the cheat to continue enjoying the powers of invisibility.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-724-654-5637 [1-999-PAINKILLER]

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Lower Wanted Level Cheat

If things have gotten a little too heated and you want the police off your back for a while, entering this cheat code will remove one star from your wanted level. You can enter the code multiple times until your wanted level gets to zero.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-5299-3787 [1-999-LAWYERUP]

Raise Wanted Level Cheat

If you want to make your gameplay more challenging, you can increase your wanted level by one star with this cheat. Every time you enter the cheat code, an extra star will be added to your wanted level.

The more stars you have, the more energy the police will use in coming after you so you can expect a lot of screaming, shooting, and helicopters towering overhead.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-3844-8483 [1-999-FUGITIVE]

Change Weather Cheat

This cheat gives you the ability to change the weather in the game to suit your preferences. There are nine available weather types—sunny, rainy, cloudy, overcast, snowing, thunder, smoggy, clearing, and extra sunny—and each time you enter the cheat code, the weather will change.

This means that you need to enter the cheat multiple times to cycle through the weather types and find the one you want.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-625-348-7246 [1-999-MAKEITRAIN]

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Maximum Health & Armor Cheat

If you get into any scrapes, use this cheat to restore your health and return your health and armor meters to the full range. The cheat can also be used to fix your vehicles if they get damaged while you are in them.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-887-853 [1-999-TURTLE]

Fast Run Cheat

Whenever you get tired of the normal movement speed while on foot, you can use this cheat to boost your ability to run faster.

Usain Bolt will have nothing on you and the speed levels you unlock, but keep an eye out for corners so you don’t trip and hurt yourself or get caught.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-2288-463 [1-999-CATCHME]

Weapons & Ammo Cheat

This GTA 5 cheat code for PC helps you get more ammo. It will top off various weapons and ensure your ammo reserves are fully stocked and ready to take on any mission.

The cheat gives you a Knife, RPG, SMG, Grenades, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Pump Shotgun, and ammunition for the guns. When you run out of ammo, just enter the cheat again to get more.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-866-587 [1-999-TOOLUP]

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Slow Motion Cheat

If for some reason you want to slow everything in the game down, this cheat code can make that happen. You can re-enter the code multiple times until you get to level 3, but after that, the cheat will be disabled and you will have to cycle through the levels from scratch if you want to keep using it.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-756-966 [1-999-SLOWMO]

Recharge Special Ability Cheat

Using this cheat code will increase the special ability meter for whichever GTA 5 character you are using for your gameplay. This means you can enhance Trevor’s rampage mode which helps increase damages inflicted while reducing damages taken.

You can also refill Michael’s bullet time and Travis’ focus ability which helps slow down time when you are driving.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-769-3787 [1-999-POWERUP]

Swim Faster Cheat

This GTA 5 command will allow you to swim through the water like you were born with fins. No matter what kind of body of water you find yourself in, just enter this cheat and watch how much faster you are able to swim.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-4684-4557 [1-999-GOTGILLS]

Drunk Mode Cheat

Although there’s not much use for this cheat, it can still be a lot of fun simply for the sake of it. Activating the cheat will cause your character to become inebriated.

They will walk clumsily, be harder to control, and the screen will become blurred to imitate how the world looks through their drunk eyes. However, you cannot activate this cheat during missions.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-547-861 [1-999-LIQUOR]

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Black Cellphone Cheat

If you like a side of chaos with your GTA 5 missions and gameplay, you are going to get a kick out of this cheat. Once enabled, it causes an explosion at random somewhere around your character.

  • Cell phone: [1-999-EMPEROR or 1-999-EMP-DROP]

Moon Gravity Cheat

With this cheat, you can lower the gravity in your environment so that everything including you, your vehicle, and other objects just float about weightless, as if in space. It’s one of those cheats that does not have a lot of productive use cases, but it’s fun to try.

You cannot activate this cheat while in the middle of a mission, so you need to do it beforehand.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-356-2837 [1-999-FLOATER]

Spidey Cars (Slippery Tires) Cheat

This is another fun GTA 5 cheat that you can use to spice up your gameplay. Once activated, it will reduce friction and make your vehicles lose their grip and start sliding here and there.

It’s going to be hard to nail those drives around corners so be prepared to wreck whatever car you are in.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-7669-329 [1-999-SNOWDAY]

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Parachute Cheat

As the name suggests, this cheat code for GTA 5 on PC provides you with a parachute whenever you need it. So if you are jumping out of a plane or thinking about flying off the top of a mountain, this cheat will help you get to the ground safely.

  • Cell phone: [1-999-SKYDIVE]

Flaming Ammo Rounds

Using this cheat code will cause any person or object that your bullets hit to burst into flames. Each time you fire your guns and hit something, you will see sparks of flames going off.

If the thing you hit is combustible, it’s going to start burning instantly.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-462-363-4279 [1-999-INCENDIARY]

Explosive Melee Attacks Cheat

This cheat gives you the ability to throw intense punches and super powerful kicks that will cause serious damage to anything they come in contact with.

You will probably end up feeling like One Punch Man and God help whatever stands in your path during your missions.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-4684-2637 [1-999-HOTHANDS]

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Super Jump Cheat

This cheat for GTA 5 pretty much turns you into a superhero. It allows you to jump high up in the air—like ten times higher than usual.

If you want to jump even higher, simply hold down the jump button. Keep in mind that landings are going to be tricky with super jumps, so try not to kill or wound your character.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-467-8648 [1-999-HOPTOIT]

Slow Motion Aim (Bullet Time) Cheat

With this cheat, you can slow down the time it takes for the bullet to leave your rifle and hit the target you are aiming at.

The slow-motion effect will be enhanced each time you enter the code until you hit the maximum limit—level 3—after which the effect will be disabled.

You cannot activate this cheat during missions so you will need to enter the cheat before you begin.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-3323-393 [1-999-DEADEYE]

Explosive Ammo Rounds (Bang Bang!) Cheat

The GTA 5 Bang Bang cheat will load all your weapons with explosive bullets that blow up whatever they come in contact with.

It’s a great trick to have on hand when you are on a rampage or in a tight spot and you need to kill or destroy everything in your line of vision.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-444-439 [1-999-HIGHEX]

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Skyfall Cheat

Want to feel like you are Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible? Activate this GTA 5 cheat on PC and you will be magically teleported miles into the air where your freefall will begin.

You will be able to glide and surf the wind like a bird for a while before you hit the ground.

Keep in mind that you cannot activate the Skyfall cheat during missions or while using the Super Jump cheat.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-759-3255 [1-999-SKYFALL]

Director Mode Cheat

Activating this cheat will enable you to modify all kinds of parameters—weather, location, vehicle density, wanted status, pedestrian density, and time of day—in the game and create lots of different amazing adventures.

It also gives you the power to play as any character model you want be it NPC, animals, pedestrian, or story mode characters.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-5782-5368 [1-999-JRTALENT]

GTA 5 car cheats & vehicle spawn codes

If you desire a car or vehicle and you want it to appear near you right away, there are GTA 5 cheats for that too. You can use these cheats to acquire multiple vehicles at the same time.

You just have to make sure you have an outdoor space that’s large enough to fit the vehicles you summon because you can’t spawn them indoors or in underground spaces.

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Rapid GT Vehicle Cheat

Use this car cheat for GTA 5 on PC whenever you want to spawn a Dewbauchee Rapid GT sportscar and have it deposited in your location.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-727-4348 [1-999-RAPIDGT]

Duke O’Death Car Cheat

Having a muscle car that is completely bulletproof can come in handy in a lot of missions and adventures, so use this cheat for GTA 5 to summon the Duke O’Death.

However, you will not be able to access this function unless you have unlocked the Duke O’Death car by completing the Duel random event.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-3328-4227 [1-999-DEATHCAR]

Caddy Vehicle Cheat

Need a golf cart? Enter this GTA 5 PC cheat code to spawn one at your location in the blink of an eye.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-4653-461 [1-999-HOLEIN1]

Stretch Limo Vehicle Cheat

Enter this cheat on your PC to spawn a Stretch limousine to wherever you are during gameplay.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-8463-9663 [1-999-VINEWOOD]

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Dodo Seaplane Cheat

To be able to use this GTA 5 cheat code to spawn a Dodo airplane where you are, you must first unlock the Dodo by completing a Seaplane random event.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-398-4628 [1-999-EXTINCT]

BMX Bike Cheat

Entering this cheat code will cause a BMX bicycle to instantly appear at your location whenever you need it for a mission.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-226-348 [1-999-BANDIT]

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Comet Vehicle Cheat

There are few things as cool as a sports car so we totally understand if you want to show off your recently acquired wealth and have people staring as you drive by. Activating this cheat will spawn a Pfister Comet sportscar next to you.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-266-38 [1-999-COMET]

Shitzu PCJ 600 Cheat

If you are in need of a motorcycle at any point during your gameplay, you can use this cheat to spawn a PCJ 600 that will prove equal to the task ahead.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-762-538 [1-999-ROCKET]

Duster Plane Cheat

Certain situations call for a plane and this cheat enables you to summon a Duster biplane to your current location so you can use it to complete your mission.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-3597-7729 [1-999-FLYSPRAY]

Kraken Sub Cheat

If you ever need a Kraken submarine during your mission, you can activate this cheat to spawn one at your location. Bear in mind that this cheat will not work unless you complete the Wildlife Photography Challenge mission first.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-282-2537 [1-999-BUBBLES]

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Maibatsu Sanchez Cheat

With this cheat code, you can bring forth a Sanchez dirt bike and make it appear near you.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-633-7623 [1-999-OFFROAD]

Helicopter Cheat

With this command phrase or phone number, you can summon a military Buzzard Attack Chopper that’s fully equipped with a machine gun and rockets to appear near you.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-2899-633 [1-999-BUZZOFF]

Stunt Plane Cheat

Entering this GTA 5 cheat code on your PC or dialing the phone number on your in-game cell phone will cause a Mallard stunt plane to show up at your location.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-227-678-676 [1-999-BARNSTORM]

Garbage Truck Vehicle Cheat

This cheat code and phone number work for making a Trashmaster garbage truck show up at your location immediately.

  • Cell phone: 1-999-8727-433 [1-999-TRASHED]

GTA 5 Cheats for PC: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I deactivate GTA 5 cheats?

To disable your GTA 5 cheats simply reload the game, re-enter the cheat code, or restart your PC and your game will go back to normal.

Is there a money cheat for GTA 5?

Unfortunately, there are no cheats that can help you get money in GTA 5 even if you are playing in single-player mode.

You have to work hard to earn the money you need, but you can still game the system a little and make some easy bucks by manipulating the stock market to your advantage and going on assassination missions.

Can you spawn a jet with GTA 5 cheat?

There is no cheat code for summoning a jet in GTA 5. If you want one, you have to go to the Fort Zancudo military base, locate the airstrip, and steal the jet.

Make sure you bring a lot of armor and a vehicle that can withstand firepower as you are not going to get it without a fight. Alternatively, you can use the invisible mode cheat to pull off the heist without much of a challenge.

Can you spawn a Rhino tank with GTA 5 cheat?

No. At the moment, there are no cheats that will help you get this armored vehicle. But if you are dead set on getting it, you must go to the Fort Zancudo base, ride through the entrance in a car, move in a straight line, and try to steal the tank before the soldiers can kill you.

Using the slow-motion or invisibility cheat can help you pull this off more easily.

Is there an unlimited ammo cheat for GTA 5?

You can’t get unlimited ammo on GTA 5 using a cheat. However, you can use the weapons cheat code “TOOLUP” to score new weapons with full ammunition.

Why can’t I use my parachute when using the Skyfall cheat?

Parachutes are incompatible with the Skyfall cheat so you can’t use them to break your fall. What you can do to ensure you survive the freefall is to land head first into a wall, ocean, ground, or other surface.

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With this GTA 5 Cheats for PC article at your fingertips, you can add flair and extra challenges to your gaming experience to make things more exciting.

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself returning over and over to use certain cheats during your missions.


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