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15 Best Games Like Omori

Tom Clayton
Best Games Like Omori
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Omori is undoubtedly one of the most popular games in the psychological/horror and adventure genres of gaming. It features an immersive world with surreal locations that make you want to explore even more.

As if that is not enough, it incorporates well-rounded characters that will have you invested in the storyline from start to finish. Its monsters and fight sequences also keep you on the edge of your seat.

But even games like Omori come to an end and you are left feeling miserable. Luckily, you do not have to wonder what’s next once you finish playing Omori.

We have created a list of the best games like Omori for you to start playing today.

Come along as we delve deeper.

The Best Games Like Omori

1. Hylics

One of the most exciting games to try out if you are a fan of Omori is Hylics. The game was developed and released by Mason Lindroth back in 2015.

Like Omori, the game does not seek to create fancy graphics or 3D depictions of worlds and characters. Instead, it relies on clay animation for its character and world-building.

That is probably one of the reasons why the game grew in popularity since it offers a break from the cut-throat competition that often characterizes 3D games.

It is also a role-playing game allowing you to play a humanoid character that goes by the name of Wayne. The character exists in a posthuman state and seeks to work his way up to a more human existence.

The character is depicted as having yellow skin and curved sickle-shaped horns. The game features three distinct acts with each one presenting unique challenges you must overcome to achieve your goals.

The main character’s ultimate goal is to defeat the King of the Moon, Gibby. As the main character overcomes several obstacles, he starts gaining points in the form of flesh on his body.

In case he fails to overcome a certain challenge, he loses his flesh and returns to the starting point to try again. This is an adventurous game with a lot of new things to experience and new places to explore.

2. Psychonauts

Another interesting game that bears certain similarities to Omori is Psychonauts. The game is available for PlayStation and Xbox and is also on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS X.

It is a role-playing game in which you are supposed to be the main character called Razputin or Raz. The main character is a young boy who has been held against his will in a circus but finally manages to escape.

The boy tries to access a summer camp that has other people with psychic abilities. Raz himself has psychic abilities which is why he was held captive in the first place.

While at the summer camp, Raz realizes that there is a sinister plan afoot and only he has the power to stop it. He uses his abilities to interact with other characters in the camp.

His main aim is to gain the trust of the people in the camp so that they can help him stop the deadly plan that has been set afoot by dark forces.

As the game progresses, the main character gains points in the form of psychic abilities which he can use to attack his enemies or complete different puzzles.

Psychonauts is another interesting action/adventure game that is sure to open up new limits to the way you think and react to different situations.

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3. OneShot

Next up on this list of the best games like Omori is OneShot. This game contains elements of adventure and puzzle gameplay which is one of the things that make it stand out.

It’s a role-playing game with some of the most amazing twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. In this game, you are tasked with the responsibility of guiding a young child through a treacherous world on a mission to restore its dead sun.

While in the game, you will be interacting with a young boy called Niko who is also the main character. This game is slightly different from most on this list because you get to interact with Niko through your real account.

The game shows the viewpoint of Niko with you as his guide. One of the main challenges you will face is that Niko can rest at any time and that stops the program for some time.

Once you get back on track, you have to travel through various places while solving puzzles to gain points and rise to the next level. The game also has one of the most haunting soundtracks and leaves the player with a lingering feeling that something is just not right.

4. Deltarune

Deltarune is another role-playing video game you can opt for instead of Omori. It was developed by Toby Fox and released for free use in 2018.

This game can be played on different platforms including Microsoft Windows, macOS, Nintendo Switch, and PS4. To play in this game, you’ll have to become the main character, Kris.

The game allows you to determine the actions of other characters on your team during battles. One of the best parts of playing this game is that you are able to spot enemies in the vicinity before they attack.

You can then choose to attack first or plan out a defensive strategy before the action begins. This is one of the most interesting games on the list in terms of dialogue between different characters.

It also features a well-detailed world building which will keep you wanting to explore more places. Like Omori, Deltarune features a turn-based combat system and an equally beautiful soundtrack.

5. EarthBound

EarthBound is a game that was first released in 2016. It is a role-playing game that features a main character called Ness who is still a teenager.

Once you join the game, you’ll become the main character and team up with three other friends to help save the world from impending doom. The premise of the game is that an extraterrestrial object has suddenly crashed into the earth unleashing a mysterious terror that must be stopped.

One of the characters aboard the object is the evil villain named Giygas who wants to cover the whole world in eternal darkness. However, before that happens, Ness and his friends have to come up with solutions to various challenges while getting closer to facing the villain.

The game features a two-dimensional world with the main characters having to go through different villages, cities, caves, and dungeons. Everywhere the character goes he encounters obstacles and must, therefore, battle enemies who come in the form of off-the-wall monsters, roaming dinosaurs, and aliens.

With each victory, the main player receives experience points which ultimately ensure they rise to different levels. As the levels get higher, the player’s abilities also increase giving them more power to unleash effective offensive or defensive moves.

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6. Rakuen

Rakuen is another game like Omori you should consider playing. It was developed by Laura Shigihara and was released in 2017.

The game is compatible with different platforms including Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS. Like Omori, this is a role-playing game that features a young boy named Rakuen as the main character.

As the story begins, you’ll realize that Rakuen is in the hospital and desires to have one of his wishes granted. Consequently, he requests his mother to accompany him to a fantasy world in one of his favorite storybooks.

Before the boy can have his wish granted, he must face some of the toughest obstacles in the fantasy world and overcome them. Some of the challenges the boy needs to overcome involve helping his neighbors within the hospital.

One of the best twists of this game is that Rakuen does not interact directly with his hospital neighbors in the real world. Instead, he comes up against his neighbors’ alter egos in the fantasy world.

While this game does not involve battle scenes, it has a rich array of characters that will keep you wanting to learn more. The game also incorporates witty dialogue that requires you to be sharp just to solve the puzzles or mysteries that lay ahead.

7. Inside

The next game you should consider playing in case you are done with Omori is Inside. It is a puzzle-platform game that will have you scratching your head while trying to solve different puzzles.

The game was developed and published by Playdead in 2016 and has, over the years, become a hit with many people. Inside takes you into an eerie world where a young boy, who is the main character, is seemingly being hunted.

Your job is to help the boy make his way through a treacherous world filled with evil people constantly trying to kill him. One of the things that make this game interesting is that it is mostly silent or has no soundtrack.

Occasionally, you may hear the noises made by the boy, a dog barking, or other familiar sounds. The environment is mostly dark with the light used sparingly to emphasize the boy’s location and other important elements in the surroundings.

The boy moves through different places by running, walking, swimming, and climbing. Keep in mind that he is never safe because he can die at any time.

Some of the ways the boy can die include getting shot, dog attacks, and security traps, among other things. As you become acquainted with the game, you’ll realize there are hidden rooms in which you can enter and find shining orbs that you can deactivate to reveal alternate endings to the game.

Inside combines the elements of horror and adventure into fun-filled gameplay that will leave you asking for more.

8. Child of Light

Child of Light is another exciting video game that bears close similarities to Omori. It was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and released in 2014.

It is also a role-playing game with hundreds of exotic locations for you to visit. Once you join the game, you will play the main character, Aurora.

She is a young princess that has her soul transported to the fantasy world of Lemuria. As soon as she arrives she discovers that an evil villain named the Black Queen has stolen the world’s sun, moon, and stars and has, therefore, caused great darkness to engulf the land.

As Aurora begins her adventure, she meets a firefly named Igniculus along with other fairy creatures that offer to assist her in her quest. Aurora and her party must make their way through a dangerous road filled with the evil queen’s traps.

Some of the things she encounters along the journey include talking mice, wicked witches, and evil sea serpents all seeking to kill her and her company. The game incorporates an Active-Time Battle System to help you overcome the enemy.

Just like Omori tends to evoke strong feelings, Child of Light does the same thanks to its character development coupled with the twists and turns that the main character encounters.

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9. Yume Nikki

Next up on this list of the best games like Omori is Yume Nikki. It is another role-playing game with a mute storyline that will keep you captivated throughout.

Like Omori, Yume Nikki incorporates some elements of horror and adventure into the gameplay to provide an overall enjoyable experience. In this game, the main character is named Modotsuki.

She is a young girl that falls asleep and is transported into a dream world where she has to face several challenges and collect 24 effects. These effects can either change her appearance or equip her with something new.

The main character can collect effects when she successfully interacts with certain objects or other characters while playing. The game features unsettling imagery and an unpredictable progression toward the end.

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10. Lisa: The Painful

Lisa: The Painful makes it to this list of the best games like Omori because of its unique storyline and features. It is a role-playing game in which you become the main character, Bradley Armstrong, who is a balding martial artist.

Before long, you’ll realize that Brad had a sister named Mary and while the two were still younger, they were abused by their evil father. As the two grew up, they got separated and it is, therefore, Brad’s wish to search for and find his sister.

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world that starts out as a fun place to be only to turn into a nightmarish environment. While seeking out his sister, Brad must face different obstacles and fight to ensure victory.

Unlike most games on this list, Brad is sometimes faced with horror-like choices especially when one of the members of his party is in danger. For instance, to save the life of a friend, Brad may have to chop off one of his limbs.

Every decision that Brad makes has an irreversible effect. Because of such high stakes, you will realize that one of the best ways to survive in this game is to be as heartless as possible.

On his journey, Brad is able to recruit more members to his party and explore many secrets that have been hidden for years.

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11. Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares is another game like Omori that is sure to keep you entertained throughout the adventure. Like Omori, it is a role-playing game compatible with different platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The developer has also promised to release a mobile version of the game which will be compatible with Android and iOS devices.

The game takes place in one of the most immersive and fear-inducing environments you can encounter. To play the game, you’ll have to become a little girl called Six.

She is trapped on a fantasy ship called The Maw and has to escape before something bad happens to her. Six travels through different platformer elements and occasionally comes across puzzles that she must solve to proceed.

It is worth noting that The Maw is full of monsters hidden within cells that can be opened at any time. It is up to Six to rely on stealth and environmental design to hide from the hungry enemies that wish to devour her very soul.

One of the things that make this game interesting is its dark setting and spooky enemies. It is also one of the games that ensure players spend some time thinking before making critical decisions.

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12. Undertale

The next game like Omori you should be aware of is Undertale. It was developed by Toby Fox. It works on platforms such as macOS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

Undertale places a lot of emphasis on humor but can also turn dark to rival Omori’s storyline. The game is set thousands of years in the past when the earth was ruled by humans and monsters.

At that time, a child falls into the Underground, which is a large secluded place beneath the earth’s surface. The region is separated from the earth’s surface with a magic barrier.

As a player, you have to become the child and start making your way up to the surface. Your journey will be filled with confusing encounters because you can meet monsters that you can talk to and pass through safely or others that will have none of your talks and instead try to kill you.

While playing, you can subdue or have mercy on monsters as you progress. In fact, the developers say you can complete the game without having to kill any monster at all.

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13. Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass

This game combines elements of the horror genre with some humor and rich storytelling. Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass is a role-playing game that immerses you into a fantastical world filled with scary creatures and imminent battles.

Again like Omori, Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass features turn-based combat that will have you sweating throughout the gameplay. It is one of the few that emphasizes exploration rather than battling through it.

In this game, the main character has to team up with his family members and explore different places to stop the pulsating mass from ruining their life and destroying the entire world.

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14. West of Loathing

The next game you should consider playing is West of Loathing. This is a role-playing game with one of the most exciting places for you to visit on your adventures.

The game takes place in a mythical place called the West of Loathing. In the game, you can choose to be one of the three main characters including a silver-tongued Snake Oiler, a wise Beanslinger, or a fierce Cow Puncher.

As you explore this new world, you will encounter a variety of characters with some being good and some bad, while others yet can be quite ugly. The game is full of quests, puzzles, and mysteries for you to overcome.

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15. Monster Garden

Monster Garden is a role-playing game that allows you to explore the surreal world of magical monsters. Like Omori, it features a rich array of monsters and places for you to visit.

However, it is not as lengthy as the games on this list. Instead, it is a short game that allows you to interact with a variety of monsters with the main goal of making them your friends.

This is a game about inner and outer exploration and the sweetness of making new friends without judging anyone.

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Summing It Up

Finding a game like Omori may seem a bit challenging at first but if you look in the right places you can definitely find something to fill its shoes. The games on this list are either on the same level as Omori or above it in terms of storylines, stakes, horror, and adventure.

If you are looking for something that is leaning more toward the horror genre go for games such as Lisa: The Painful or Inside. However, if you want something adventurous and lighthearted try the West of Loathing or Monster Garden.

Otherwise, trying out each one of the games on this list is likely to help you find the most ideal game to play today.

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