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25 Best Kahoot Ideas & Tips For Teachers 2025

Tom Clayton
Best Kahoot Ideas and Tips for Teachers
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Technology has revolutionized learning and teaching in many ways. It has made communication among learners, teachers, and parents easy and efficient.

Additionally, technology has made it simple for learners to access learning resources both offline and online. It has enabled educators to offer engaging and interactive sessions to better meet the needs of modern-day students.

If you are like most teachers who already use Kahoot, you’ll agree on how incredibly popular this quiz game is. Learning tools like Kahoot offer relevant games and authentic content on various topics.

Teachers should learn cool ideas and tips in order to improve students’ learning experiences and Kahoot is an excellent way to ramp up class engagement.

In this post, I have listed some of the best Kahoot ideas and tips for teachers that they can use to take their teaching game to the next level. Read on.

Best Kahoot Ideas & Tips For Teachers

1. Incorporate Icebreaker Templates

At the beginning of the school year, children need a little help breaking the ice with their mates.

The best news is that Kahoot provides pre-made templates and additional blank templates, which you can use to create and edit to understand your students better and understand each other better.

2. Set Kahoot Expectations

Children can quickly get competitive when playing games in class. To save the situation, make sure that you lay down some ground rules from the onset to guide you through.

Remind your students that Kahoot games are all about learning and that they’ll each benefit when they follow the rules.

3. Back to School Quiz

On the first day of school, you’ll be excited to know how your students feel about being back in school and if they like the learning style and subjects. Kahoot has a series of ready-made quizzes to get you started.

Kahoot quizzes are a great way to start a semester and help you understand your student’s mentality going into a new school year and create a better plan for success.

4. Combine Kahoot with Bitmoji

Kahoot and Bitmoji are a match made in heaven! The two combine to bring in next-level engagements in virtual classrooms by adding a more personal and familiar feel.

Bitmoji is your personalized cartoon avatar that is slowly becoming popular with educators which you can use with various apps.

Everyone can use Bitmoji. Students can use it while competing in leagues. Plus, the feature is free. Once you add Bitmoji as your Kahoot profile picture, it will be displayed next to the Kahoot you create.

Explore the best alternatives to Bitmoji in this post.

5. Explore the Public Kahoot Library

The Kahoot library lets you discover new ways to play, find professional development resources, and other important information. The free public library on Kahoot’s discover page saves you the time of getting quick Kahoot ideas and is made of ready-to-play quizzes on various topics.

The Kahoot library is also home to a few crucial extras, including game planning templates, guides to Kahoot, and all other resources created by teachers and educators.

6. Kahoot Family Feud

While Kahoot is well known for creating memorable classroom experiences, it is also an excellent tool for making memories with friends and family outside the classroom. You can also create a Kahoot Family Feud to add flavor to your next meeting.

Kahoot Family Feud lets you create your own trivia-style quizzes on exciting topic ideas and current events. Family Feud is easier than you think. It allows you to set an extended time, and your teams can answer these questions through their mobile devices.

7. Add a Theme to Change the Background

You can add some fun to your Kahoot experience by adding a theme to change the tool’s background. Kahoot’s free version gives access to limited themes, but you can explore more themes with its paid version.

You can select a theme of your choice in the top right section of the screen. Towards the end of the year, you’ll find a variety of themes including winter, Christmas, celebration, and New Year’s. These themes are free to Kahoot users.

You can also create more themes based on your subscription level. Standard theming allows you to choose from Kahoot’s four backgrounds and add your company logo in JPG or PNG.

Custom theming will enable you to select from Kahoot’s collection of custom themes, upload a background image, upload your company logo, and use a background color picker.

8. Use Vimeo to Add Videos

The new collaboration between Kahoot and Vimeo introduced a new way to create visually captivating Kahoots and supercharge your classroom engagements.

Many Kahoot users already use Vimeo to discover, create, and share quality videos, thanks to Vimeo’s commitment to user privacy and ease of use.

The integration can help business professionals and educators to create comprehensive experiences to keep learners tuned in and actively participating.

High-quality videos from Vimeo can also help you design a complete lesson or an inspiring training session for dynamic and visually compelling learning.

Find out more tools like Vimeo in this post.

9. Spice up Your Kahoot Experience with Animated GIFs

There’s no doubt that kids love GIFs. Kahoot and Giphy partnered to bring more fun, next-level engagement, and self-expression to learning.

With connecting with students, friends, or family becoming challenging for many, adding your favorite GIFs and animated stickers can bring conversations to life, whether in a classroom setting, in meetings, or even in presentations.

Giphy has a collection of over 10 billion pieces of visual content, including internet classics, trending memes, and quotes from your favorite films. Giphy helps over 700 million people to express themselves uniquely and creatively.

10. Puzzle Time

Kahoot uses different forms of questions, including open-ended questions, true-false questions, and multiple-choice questions. Kahoot’s puzzle feature gives inspiring examples of how to use puzzles in math and language classes, among other subjects.

During puzzle time, accuracy matters a lot. Therefore, puzzles are an excellent way for students to stay focused while testing their more profound understanding of concepts.

Kahoot’s free version gives you access to a limited number of question types, but its Pro and Premium plans allow you to combine various questions in one Kahoot.

11. Use Video Conferencing Options

Kahoot has collaborated with the video conferencing giant Zoom to allow for easy engagement for all members during discussion meetings and remote strategy sessions. You can use Kahoot during Zoom calls to create prompt discussions and include open-ended polls and questions.

Create engaging Kahoots ahead of the Zoom meeting and include an audience participation feature to give everyone a voice.

12. Assign Students a Kahoot Challenge for their Homework

Assigning a Kahoot challenge to students encourages them to play independently to improve their scores.

If you wish to keep students focused on the questions and answers, I recommend you turn off the timer. Turn the timer back on when they need to practice skills like math facts, which require quick responses.

Use Kahoot with Google Meet or Google Classroom to access many ways to assess and review what students did. Students can also replay questions till they get them right, making Kahoot challenges an excellent option for pre-test reviews.

13. Use the Kahoot Jumble Feature

Kahoot’s jumble feature requires students to unscramble sentences, dates of events, words, and math equations, among other tasks. This feature has questions that challenge students to place answers in their correct order rather than just selecting a single right solution.

The Kahoot jumble feature presents sets of questions in which students are expected to place four choices in their correct order within 90 seconds.

The feature is similar to the puzzle feature in that it makes geography challenge questions and quotations, among other topics, fun to study and easy for teachers to check if students understand.

Check Out: Blooket vs Kahoot

14. Allow Kahoot to Read Questions and Answers Loudly

Kahoot’s read-aloud mode can benefit younger students and those with visual challenges. The read-aloud feature is also instrumental in self-study and is available in 37 languages. The feature is available for free for all account types.

Learners can turn on the read-aloud feature as they play at their own pace. Aside from providing a stress-free and friendly experience to young learners who still need to become proficient at reading, the feature is also valuable for practicing pronunciation and reading comprehension.

15. Deck the Kahoot Halls with Cultural Holiday Traditions

As a teacher, you meet students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Some of your students may be well-educated about their home cultures, religions, and languages, while some may come from difficult circumstances with little or no formal education.

Selfie Kahoot is a brilliant and practical tip to engage with students, understand their culture better, and make them feel safe through learning about their customs and traditions.

Your students can use the selfie Kahoot feature to get to know each other better and create mini-presentations on what they do during holidays.

Use the teacher’s selfie Kahoot to introduce yourself to learners fun and engagingly. Get learners to guess some of your traits and use it as a conversation starter.

Storytelling Kahoot is an excellent option for sharing summer memories, while the class photo Kahoot is suitable for playing a name game.

Check Out: How To Win Every Kahoot Game?

16. Use Blind Kahoot to Introduce New Topics

Blind Kahoot is one of the brilliant ideas you’ll want to implement right away. Blind Kahooting is an excellent way to teach new concepts and build knowledge brick and brick in a single game.

Blind Kahoots encourage learners to stay motivated, leading to successful games with long-lasting effects.

Blind Kahooting uses carefully structured questions guided by your lesson plan to help learners understand new material gradually.

17. Polls

Polls help students say how they learn. Polls combine with word clouds to fuel live audience interactions.

These two tools will serve you right and open up new ways to interact with your audience, whether you are conducting a training session, hosting an event, or delivering a presentation.

With polls and word clouds, you can combine various questions and content in a single Kahoot to stir up dynamics in the room and get valuable insights from your audience.

Polls give students a voice since they prefer making real-time decisions concerning learning methods and topics.

Word clouds are instrumental in facilitating discussions about different topics, discovering connections between ideas, and assessing students’ prior knowledge, regardless of age or subject.

18. Use Split Screen 

The major challenge teachers and students face when incorporating digital learning is a need for more resources such as desktops, smart devices, and tablets.

But with the split screen feature on Kahoot, multiple windows can be displayed on a single device to allow learners to access and respond to games and quizzes.

You can have split screens on a Chromebook via a video platform of your preference, for instance, Skype or Google Meet.

You can also have split view apps on your iPad, but if you are using Windows 10, you can use Snap Assist, which allows you to arrange more than one window on your screen.

Split view is available on all MacOS versions. It allows you to resize two apps and manually place them side by side. You can assign your students Kahoots in challenge mode regardless of the devices they are using, and this tool can be helpful, especially for distance learning.

19. Reports and Feedback

Kahoot’s report feature has various benefits for teachers and students alike. The tool plays a crucial role in providing formative assessment and is a platform for students to give insight and feedback on what they did not understand and why they need help with it.

Kahoot is more than a fun motivation tool. With it, you can capture a visual overview of analytics and present actionable insights in their simplified forms.

You can download your basic report from the report options in every report or from the action menu in the overview list. Kahoot is also working on a mechanism to offer an end-of-game summary after displaying the podium.

With a quick summary, you’ll be able to tackle difficult questions right after a session to gain insight into why learners struggle with them.

Kahoot believes this new feature will help teachers gain more visibility into the learning progress and fine-tune their instructions for better learning outcomes.

20. Use the Multiplication Feature

The multiplication feature is a brand-new tool with over 30 mini-games for learners to enjoy their timetables. The tool comprises various tasks for students to learn math concepts and use them in multiple contexts comprehensively.

Multiplication is Kahoot’s award-winning Dragon-box series of math learning games. It also has a reward system to compel learners to keep practicing till they can internalize their timetable. The game is designed to help kids master multiplication even without prior knowledge.

21. Kahoot Kids

Kahoot Kids is specifically created for young learners for playful early childhood learning. Kahoot Kids offers a safe space for practicing early life skills, and you can use the tool in kindergarten and pre-school.

The app is available on Android and iOS. While the app helps kids to learn independently, it is also an excellent opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children.

Kids can also explore learning with siblings and friends, which makes learning even more collaborative and interactive.

22. Combine Kahoots

This feature allows you to access and combine content from your previous Kahoots in Kahoot’s public library created by other teachers. Merging Kahoots can be done in three different ways. You can use the combine button to merge Kahoots within the same folder.

The question bank allows you to search the title of another Kahoot in the question bank, then edit and quickly add it to the questions you are editing. Courses will enable you to create a list of all Kahoots you wish to assign and manage these courses through the library page.

23. Use Ghost Mode to Encourage Improvement

Kahoot’s Ghost Mode reinforces learning through self-motivation and repetition. This mode allows learners to play again, but this time against their own “ghosts” to improve their scores. Ghost Mode can be instrumental in helping learners master a particular topic.

Your “ghost” will answer precisely as you did last for every repeat question. At the end of the game, you’ll see whether you improved your scores and how much you would have learned.

24. Play Kahoot Games Without Student Devices

Playing Kahoot games on devices such as Chromebooks and phones can be a lot more fun but can also be a source of problems. To take the devices out of the picture, use free printables, which learners can fold to show their answers and hold up for you to see.

Playing Kahoot in this manner can help learners stay calm as they will be concentrating on getting the correct answer and not striving to be first. Learners can also scan around the room to see who got it right.

25. Encourage Students to Create Their Own Kahoot Games

The best way to ascertain that students have truly mastered a concept is by allowing them to teach something to someone else. Student-created games are fun to get students involved and build up knowledge while gathering relevant information.

Set specific topics onto which learners can create quizzes and empower them to become leaders by encouraging them to play quizzes back to their classmates. Assess their understanding guided by the quality of their content, including the wrong answers.

Final Words

There you have it!

Twenty-five unique ways to incorporate Kahoot in your next lesson. If properly implemented, these tips can help learners retain materials easily as they are presented in an entertaining and fun manner.

Additionally, since the games can be played more than once, you can easily determine why students did not perform well in their previous tests.

So, go ahead and implement these tips to have a fulfilling learning experience with students.

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